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When it comes to events, it is known, that every detail and pick contributes extensively to the overall ambiance and vibe. It begins at the moment the guests arrive and should last way beyond their departure. That setting, that feel, that one works so vigorously to attain, rests in the details of the party. At Accents, we understand the importance of the niceties. We know, that it is the fine points and small, personalized gestures that makes each guest feel that he belongs. We realize the importance of details, and we're here to help.

We offer pre-filled

boxes and bags,

  customized to your party.  

From our large array of welcome boxes, ranging from practical to sweet, to our friendly take-away gifts, we provide the fine points to ensure your party will be an event to remember.


"Even with all our last minute changes to the itinerary and guest list, Accents was so accommodating. They worked with our party planner to really match all the color tones properly."



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